A Big List Of Things (BLOT?) #1 - underwear, books, socks, apps, etc.

just here to spew a whole buncha links

A Big List Of Things (BLOT?) #1 - underwear, books, socks, apps, etc.

Hello friends!

I’ve had a very busy work week so I haven’t been typing lately and I feel FRAZZLED about it.

So I’m just going to dump a bunch of stuff here to kind of unclog and clear the pipes.


Okay, first off, I was MIA because I was launching a new course with my work friends in The 3DMJ Vault.

If you’re a bodybuilder type of person and are interested, here’s a fancy video we made about it!

👉 CLICK HERE to learn more about “The Physique Photo Guide”

I’m obsessed with this beanie and I wear it at least once a week when it’s cold out and I think you’ll love it too.

Your ears will be so warm and cozy and you’ll get so many compliments and it’s pretty affordable.

👉 CLICK HERE to order the hat from H&M

If you’re a link and post and media collector like me, THIS APP WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

And tbh, I have no idea how I didn’t hear about it until like 2 weeks ago.

But the literal second I watched this demo video I signed the fuck up and threw my money at these people and I’m so so happy about it.

SO COOL, RIGHT?!?!?!?!?

👉 CLICK HERE to get MyMind

My boyfriend booked a show!!!

Brandon is not only a photographer and videographer by profession, but he is also a songwriter and musician and we couldn’t be more stoked for him.

His second show as a solo artist will be Feb 1st at Aviator Nation in Austin, TX.

If you’re around, please come!! 🕺

Here’s some of his music to get you prepped and ready:

👉 CLICK HERE to RSVP for the show 🎸

Oh! and if you know stuff about stage and recording gear and things, here’s the Brandon Wells Music YouTube Channel which you might enjoy 🙂


After YEARS of looking for underwear that actually felt and looked okay (undetectable) underneath leggings….THE SEARCH HAS ENDED!!

I found these thongs thanks to an IG story from Chalene Johnson and she did not disappoint.

They are truly as great as she said they would be.

And they’re surprisingly inexpensive for how nice they feel.

👉 CLICK HERE to order them on Amazon

Since the last time we talked about my morning audiobook listens, I’ve gone through 2 others.

You might know Shane from his fantastic blog, Farnam Street, which I have read HUNDREDS of times over the past decade.

Similarly, you might know Ali from his super famous YouTube channel, which both you and I have probably seen at least a few times over the past 5 years.

I didn’t hate the books, but I wasn’t blown away by them either.

I wonder if that’s because I’ve already consumed so much of these guys’ free content that I sort of have a solid general grasp over what they were delivering 🤔

It wasn’t like “I ALREADY KNOW ALL OF THIS” but was more like “oh yeah this is a nice compilation of reminders but nothing super new or profound to me”.

That said, reminders are always helpful and of course I could always use refreshers on ways to be less of a piece of shit every day.

And if you’re NOT familiar with either of those gentlemen, the books will probably be quite enlightening for thinking models and productivity habits, respectively.

I have very wide feet and very cold feet.

I hate wearing tight socks, but I must always wear socks.

And if you’re like me in that regard, you probably already know that it’s easy to find low ankle socks that are kind of loose and thin, but it’s VERY difficult to find longer socks that are not super tight for some reason.


They are plus-sized thigh-highs on Amazon and I could not be happier.

Sure, they’re BAGGY on my feet, but those go in my shoes anyways!

It’s the long, non-squeezing leg area that is an absolute dream and I highly recommend.

At the gym, I scrunch them down like this:

Under pants, I pull them up high and fold them down below my knee so they kind of look like soccer socks, but again, not tight at all.

It’s an extra layer of calf warmness without cutting off my circulation.

👉 CLICK HERE to order the socks on Amazon

Okay, a while back I told you guys about some lifting straps that were super cheap but worked surprisingly well and that they did the job just fine.


They really DID work fine for regular machine rows and pull downs and such that I was doing a while back.

But now that I’ve introduced some moderate weight deadlifts back into my program, I realize they were subpar.

Brandon let me use his Versa Gripps one day and the difference was UPSETTING lolll

I had to order a new pair the following day.

As it has been like 10 years since I got my last pair (and 5 years since they were destroyed in an apartment flood), there are so many more new colors now!

I got yellow ones this time around and I’m obsessed.

They’re pricey, but absolutely worth it.

👉 CLICK HERE to order them on Amazon

Okay. More books!

I think I’ve also told you guys that I read ebooks during my mid-day siesta before I fall asleep for nap time?

The last book I finished which was quite refreshing is called “Hero On A Mission: A Path To A Meaningful Life” by Donald Miller.

Sure, it’s basically like “write your own story” which we kinda of talked about in the last post.

But this was a bit different because it introduced 3 other characters in everyone’s life which I hadn’t really thought about before.

Since it was available on Libby, it was free!

And btw, if you don’t have the Libby app, YOU NEED IT.

You log in with your public library card and can check out all kinds of shit.

The one I’m reading now (back in Kindle bc it wasn’t available in Libby), is “The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are” by Alan Watts.

His main goal in his humongous body of work is to “integrate the spiritual with the material” and it’s a whole trip for me.

I’ve been working on trying to be less immediately judgmental and a bit more tolerant of pretty much every inconveniencing event or person in my life.

While I can quickly and rationally get to my secondary, kinder response to most things, my initial default reactions are not always something I’m proud of.

And as I go down this winding road of trying to understand defensiveness and trauma and whatnot, I often encounter more spiritual books like this which often leave me perplexed.

As a non-religious person, it takes work to stay open to some of these ideas about The Universe and Source Intelligence and Consciousness and things like that but I think it’s good for me.

I’m less repelled by it all over time, and I think that’s some progress.

Unrelated to anything and not actually a recommendation because I don’t have it in my possession, I’m in love with this bag I saw in an Instagram ad and I think I need it soon.

👉 HERE’S A LINK FOR IT if you can’t wait.

But of course I’ll tell you all about it when I finally get around to ordering it and giving it a test drive 🙂

Thanks for being cool and hanging out!!!

Talk soon ❤️



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