oops i’m out for a bit

when serendipity creates constraints

oops i’m out for a bit

It’s been the weirdest week of the weirdest news I’ve received in a while.

Turns out I’ll be spending most of the next month out of the country before immediately returning to the super busy holiday season filled with more personal travel and loads of work projects.

As much as I’ve loved posting super regularly here on Substack, it’s going to have to take a back seat for a little bit.

Big surprises, like random medium-term international travel, will do that and I love it.

When one decision snaps a whole bunch of other smaller decisions into focus, it creates clarity and simplicity.

All the inessentials automatically present themselves as such, which is a gift.

During my time away, I’ll make sure to snap my pics and take my notes and come back with as many sharable lessons as possible.

Thanks for hanging out with me.

And I can’t wait to talk again soon ❤️
