How To Make Disasters Productive

abortions and spanish (a big leap, i know!)

How To Make Disasters Productive

The biggest accomplishment since we last talked is that Brandon and I achieved our 500 days of Duolingo streak! 🎉

Here’s our badge.

Not even kidding, once Roe vs. Wade was getting hot in the news about a year and half ago, I was like “well, what happens if shit gets crazy here?”

Sure, things could turn out to be about the same as they’ve always been.

But what if they’re not? What if things go the worst way they could possibly go and we have to leave Texas very quickly?

If this sounds like catastrophic thinking, it is!

I am very good and imagining very big changes, both positively and negatively.

I’m a big dreamer, but also a big nightmarer(?).

The way I frequently deal with my anxieties is to do what I feel is needed to protect myself against them in a reasonable manner.

Action is what calms me down.

So I thought of a few productive things I could do that not only would help me if I had to run down south to Mexico on super short notice, but also simply as a person anyways.

How could I make this a little project that soothes my anxiousness while trying to make it fun?

First, I collected all my important documents and some cash into a lockable box that I keep close by because I hear that’s a thing responsible people should do anyways in case there’s ever a fire or natural disaster.

Secondly, I renewed my passport that had expired in 2020. Again, a thing I should have done anyways, but now I had an additional little fear-based kick in the pants.


Again, because why the fuck not?!

There’s literally no downside to learning a second language. Especially one that my parents and grandparents have been speaking since they were born.

ALSOOOOO it creates a new 5-minute-per-day habit that my partner and I get to enjoy and track together.

Wins all around.

A couple Instagram posts I recently liked with similar vibes:


Talk soon 🙂
